Breadnut Valley Falls, Saint Elizabeth

Magic happens when local female travel bloggers get together, and Breadnut Valley happened to be the first destination of hopefully many future linkups. Breadnut Valley Falls are a series of mesmerizing cascades and turquoise pools set in Breadnut Valley, Maggotty, St. Elizabeth parish. For an off-the-beaten path waterfall, surprisingly little hiking was involved! With that said, let’s talk about:


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How to Find Breadnut Valley Falls

My journey to Breadnut Valley led me through the parishes of St. Andrew, St. Catherine, Clarendon, Manchester and finally St. Elizabeth. Landmarks you’ll pass in St. Elizabeth are the St. Elizabeth Technical High School (S.T.E.T.H.S.) on your left and the turnoff for Jamaica Zoo in Lacovia 5 minutes later. At this point, start looking out for the next right turn, marked by a Texaco Gas Station. Turn here then continue until you reach the sign for the Maggotty JPS Hydroelectric station (sign pictured below). Turn right to actually reach the station, just after which is a dirt track. This will take you through a chain-link fence and gate after which you can drive to the large open clearing (also pictured below) and park anywhere convenient/ close to the river.

maggotty jps hydroelectric station.jpg
dirt track to breadnut valley falls
Don’t focus on the windshield. Focus on the path I’m trying to show you. πŸ˜…
drive to breadnut valley falls
The gates I’m talking about. If they’re closed when you go, then. πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈThis implies that the river/waterfalls are on private property though.
clearing-breadnut valley
Clearing in which we parked. That coaster bus lets you know some event was up.

Mind you, this space is used to host events but hopefully you won’t run into any taking place like we did. As of 2024, Breadnut Valley is open to the public once more but reservations are required. You can get in touch with the proprietors via +18763699832 as I see posted on their social media platforms.

path-breadnut valley
Gosh, doesn’t this just look inviting?

Anyway, the path from the clearing is towards the left and pretty straightforward until it branches into three. Take the trail on your right then be guided by the beckoning purr of the water which you’ll hear before you see. Provided you stay on the correct path for the whole journey (and don’t stop for too many photos πŸ˜‚… guilty), the entire walk from the clearing to a suitable point for entering the water is 10 minutes. A guide would be helpful, and you’re sure to run into at least one friendly guy who can assist, and may charge you JM$500 per person in exchange for help. It’s not commercialized though and we ended up not needing to pay, but use your discretion. Also, as is expected with off-the-beaten-path places, there aren’t any restrooms, changing rooms, shops etc. so come prepared with food, drink, empty bladders and wearing your swimsuits from home. We did encounter a restroom in the clearing though but as to whether or not it’s clean or works, I couldn’t say.

P.S. Water shoes would’ve been very handy!

Breadnut Valley Waterfalls

glimpse of 1st waterfall-breadnut valley
Glimpsing the main waterfall from a distance
breadnut valley falls
A closer look 😍

Breadnut Valley Falls consist of three stunning waterfalls cascading into turquiose pools set in the perfect tropical paradise of a lush green valley. Tall towering trees meet overhead, mosses and lichens glisten wetly from tree trunks and roots in the cool humidity and a gazillion shells litter the path, testimony to how high the river rises when “river come dung.” We encountered one small amiable group of friends who left shortly after we got there, at which point we got to experience the true tranquility of the location. Blue and green were the only colours for miles, a true delight to the senses of an eco-lover.

breadnut valley
breadnut valley2
coconut trees
Coconut trees 🌴
Lovely ferns were about too.
above breadnut valley falls
Standing above one of the waterfalls.
breadnut river
peaceful breadnut valley
Awed by the serenity of Breadnut Valley 😍

If you’re willing to swim across or walk along the pool’s edge then through a practically non-existent trail, you’ll be rewarded by this third waterfall, but it’s perhaps only wise to do this with someone familiar with the area. And as for swimming, our expert guide advised against it given the unfriendliness of the river’s current and its depth. However, that doesn’t mean we didn’t all get wet. We just didn’t venture too close. This was one of those cases where we admired nature’s masterpieces from afar; no waterfall massages at this one.

breadnut valley falls2

Wrap Up

As Jhunelle joked, “rivers are best with under five people” and I can’t say I disagree. It was really a great day out with lovely people, and for free (back then)! It amazes me that such untouched beauty still exists and as such, Breadnut is an easy five stars, β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† for me. Just a reminder to clean up after yourselves when you visit places like this. Take nothing but photographs and leave nothing but footprints.


Here are the lovely girls who made this trip memorable. Check out their blogs!

‘Til next time. ✌

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Published by

Rochelle | Adventuresfromelle

Adventures from Elle is a travel blog for locals & visitors who want to experience the best of Jamaica, one adventure at a time. The blog is curated by Rochelle Knight, a resident (M.D.) in internal medicine and published author. She began the blog in 2016 as a medical student & wants to see the world, starting with her home country. Purchase her book 'SIGHTSEE JAMAICA' on Amazon and join her in Jamaica!

13 thoughts on “Breadnut Valley Falls, Saint Elizabeth

  1. Rochelle! Thank you for taking the time to write this article! Great content and gorgeous photos. This may sound crazy but I think we’re related! Turns out my great great grandfather is Arthur Beswick also πŸ™‚ My great grandmother is Isobel, my grandfather is Philip Vaz and Ernie Beswick is my Fathers uncle!! I’d love to get in touch with you and chat some more. You can e-mail me at – thanks again for writing this and I hope to hear from you soon! – Tatiana

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Breadnut Valley is where my ancestors lived and died. Arthur Beswick 1813 -1897. He is my great great grandfather. As you enter their cemetery is on the right hand side. My great uncles and great aunt and others are buried there.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. What a lovely place and smashing photos! We were rather disappointed by the moldy hotel and constant begging on the west coast during Hurricane Dean, nothing but trouble and infections, even after the stay. Glad to know there is beauty behind the touristy areas.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Really sorry to hear about the hotel and run-in with beggars. I have a hard time with them myself as a local, but I guess it’s the same in many areas with unequal distribution of wealth. And thanks, that’s the side of Jamaica I do my best to visit & highlight. It’s much much cheaper and I find it’s just as enjoyable, if not more.. and certainly emptier. πŸ™‚


  3. I had no idea it’s the same river. I do love the less commercialized areas such as these on our island. Like you, I don’t like the crowds, especially the touristy areas. You’re most welcome becauseI love reading your posts and get good information about lovely places to visit 😊.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re most welcome, and thanks for reading & commenting too. πŸ™‚ I appreciate it. It’s definitely a beaut! I know you’ll enjoy. Oh, fun fact I learnt… it’s the same river as the one flowing through YS Falls, just more upstream and uncommercialized.


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