Cold Weather: A Caribbean Girl’s Perspective

Today’s WordPress prompt caught my eye and it’s been ages since I’ve replied to one. My simple answer is no, but nothing in life is ever black or white. I experienced my first taste of cold weather a few weeks ago– my first time seeing or walking through snow or having to check the temperature before heading outside so I could know how layered I needed to dress. I cheated a little by visiting Ontario in spring, so the weather wasn’t as miserably cold as it can get but I experienced mostly single digit and subzero weather– a shock to the senses for a Caribbean girl who has never left the tropics. I was happy to return to the warmth and familiarity of Jamaica where the weather is either wet or dry, but here are the things I appreciated about the cold.

Daily writing prompt
How do you feel about cold weather?

What I Liked About Cold Weather

  1. An excuse to drink all the warm beverages I love such as hot chocolate and coffee. Sometimes it’s too hot to enjoy these drinks in the tropics.
  2. Coats can be super fashionable although after a while, it makes you look like you’re wearing the same outfit everywhere if you love taking pictures.
  3. Snowy landscapes are absolutely beautiful. I especially love seeing snow-capped mountains, and there is something mesmerizing about watching snowflakes from the window. As they say, no two snowflakes are the same. It was also oddly beautiful seeing all the deciduous trees without leaves.
  4. Winter seems like a time for slowing down and staying indoors, while the world comes alive at spring and summer. It was beautiful to witness some of this transition.

Wrap Up

Bucket List: staying in a snowy cabin somewhere

I suppose I have to try and appreciate some parts of cold weather since I still have lots of temperate and polar weather countries on my bucket list. 🙂 Nonetheless, I don’t suppose I’ll ever want to leave the tropics for too long. I love the beautiful island paradise of Jamaica which I call home. With that said, how do YOU feel about cold weather? Sound off in the comments section below. Also, before I go, I’m proud to announce that Adventures from Elle reaches 52 consecutive weeks of posting every single Friday without fail this week! It’s a streak I’d hate to break so I guess I got to get to work! I only have 3 more weeks of articles lined up and I’ve been very busy of late + experiencing writer’s block. But, we shall see. Thanks for reading! See you on Friday.

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Published by

Rochelle | Adventuresfromelle

Adventures from Elle is a travel blog for locals & visitors who want to experience the best of Jamaica, one adventure at a time. The blog is curated by Rochelle Knight, a resident (M.D.) in internal medicine and published author. She began the blog in 2016 as a medical student & wants to see the world, starting with her home country. Purchase her book 'SIGHTSEE JAMAICA' on Amazon and join her in Jamaica!

42 thoughts on “Cold Weather: A Caribbean Girl’s Perspective

  1. What a captivating read! Your experience with cold weather in Ontario sounds like quite the adventure, especially coming from the warm tropics of Jamaica. I can imagine how shocking the subzero temperatures must have been! What did you enjoy most about the snow? Your appreciation for the different climate is inspiring, and it’s wonderful to hear that you found things to love about the cold despite the drastic change. Looking forward to reading more about your unique experiences!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I loved reading your thoughts on the cold! I grew up in Vermont, and it always seemed I was born in the wrong place. I suppose I liked building snow forts when I was young, but I dreaded winter otherwise. While all my friends were skiing, I dreamed of swimming in the pool and warm weather. My mother said that when I was little, I told her that I would move to California one day, which I did. I now live in Las Vegas, Nevada, and have for the last 25 years. I welcome 110-degree days in the summer and still dread winter, even though winters here can hardly be called winter.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I love this, Rochelle. I will say about point four though, slowing down happens in Ontario. I did feel winter was barren and people crawled out of the woodworks at the slightest hint of warmth. There is no such grace for us in the Prairies. 😮‍💨 -20s and it’s all still relatively bustling with everyone going about their business. Even recess doesn’t get taken indoors unless windchill gets up to -27. But three winters in and I am dreading going home. For a 20° is now great weather hot and I have a strong feeling my tolerance 30° may have been significantly reduced. Interesting post as always!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Come to Iowa. With global warming in February which use to be Iowa’s coldest month we experience spring in the seventies. let me show you why that’s irrationally and abnormal and 218 in February we had 60 below zero and there that was not the wind chill that was the actual temperature in Northern Iowa so to have 70 degrees that’s 130° different just 6 years ago. For all who do not believe and go to a warm in you’r schmucks

    Liked by 2 people

  5. As someone who grew up in a place with LOTS of winter, it’s hard for me to comprehend never having seen snow or experienced cooler temperatures. Not having to check the weather before leaving the house is also a very foreign concept! On the other hand, I’m not sure I could take the constant heat of the tropics. I suppose it all depends on what we’re used to. Glad you found a way to stay warm! Hot beverages in winter is the best!

    Liked by 4 people

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