Cold Weather: A Caribbean Girl’s Perspective

Today’s WordPress prompt caught my eye and it’s been ages since I’ve replied to one. My simple answer is no, but nothing in life is ever black or white. I experienced my first taste of cold weather a few weeks ago– my first time seeing or walking through snow or having to check the temperature before heading outside so I could know how layered I needed to dress. I cheated a little by visiting Ontario in spring, so the weather wasn’t as miserably cold as it can get but I experienced mostly single digit and subzero weather– a shock to the senses for a Caribbean girl who has never left the tropics. I was happy to return to the warmth and familiarity of Jamaica where the weather is either wet or dry, but here are the things I appreciated about the cold.

Daily writing prompt
How do you feel about cold weather?

What I Liked About Cold Weather

  1. An excuse to drink all the warm beverages I love such as hot chocolate and coffee. Sometimes it’s too hot to enjoy these drinks in the tropics.
  2. Coats can be super fashionable although after a while, it makes you look like you’re wearing the same outfit everywhere if you love taking pictures.
  3. Snowy landscapes are absolutely beautiful. I especially love seeing snow-capped mountains, and there is something mesmerizing about watching snowflakes from the window. As they say, no two snowflakes are the same. It was also oddly beautiful seeing all the deciduous trees without leaves.
  4. Winter seems like a time for slowing down and staying indoors, while the world comes alive at spring and summer. It was beautiful to witness some of this transition.

Wrap Up

Bucket List: staying in a snowy cabin somewhere

I suppose I have to try and appreciate some parts of cold weather since I still have lots of temperate and polar weather countries on my bucket list. 🙂 Nonetheless, I don’t suppose I’ll ever want to leave the tropics for too long. I love the beautiful island paradise of Jamaica which I call home. With that said, how do YOU feel about cold weather? Sound off in the comments section below. Also, before I go, I’m proud to announce that Adventures from Elle reaches 52 consecutive weeks of posting every single Friday without fail this week! It’s a streak I’d hate to break so I guess I got to get to work! I only have 3 more weeks of articles lined up and I’ve been very busy of late + experiencing writer’s block. But, we shall see. Thanks for reading! See you on Friday.

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Published by

Rochelle | Adventuresfromelle

Adventures from Elle is a travel blog for locals & visitors who want to experience the best of Jamaica, one adventure at a time. The blog is curated by Rochelle Knight, a resident (M.D.) in internal medicine and published author. She began the blog in 2016 as a medical student & wants to see the world, starting with her home country. Purchase her book 'SIGHTSEE JAMAICA' on Amazon and join her in Jamaica!

42 thoughts on “Cold Weather: A Caribbean Girl’s Perspective

  1. Glad you enjoyed the wintry snow! I enjoy the changing seasons that we have in the UK, from the cold winter to warm summer- each one brings different sights, sounds and things to do, and there is always something new, yet familiar, to look forward to.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. CONGRATULATIONS on your milestone Rochelle! Weekly blogging is no easy task, more so as a full time doc. I visited Canada last summer and the way the temperatures drop at night was crazy to me. Not to mention that it was still sunny at 8 pm! I visited DC last fall and got so sick from the cold weather. Jamaican heat is one thing but I’ll take it over how sick I got in cold weather.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I’m fairly used to seeing snow as I originally came from/lived in Britain, but nothing prepared me for the difference with snowy seasons when I moved to Ohio, USA. The snow here is much worse/dense/longer lasting than I had ever experienced before. It also gets significantly colder where I live now so wrapping up warm is essential! Brrrrrr!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I actually like living in an area of the world, with 4 distinct seasons each year. I do like snow…2 months not 4 months of the year. Most definitely I enjoy it around and during Christmas. It really is magical when snow falls at night and there are Christmas lights outdoors and also glowing from inside homes when out for evening walk.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. If I had to choose to live between cold or hot weather, I’d prefer cold weather: I lived in France for several years and also visited many countries in Europe during winter holidays, and while it got crazy cold, I preferred it to the hot, sweltering summers (especially detest humidity)! It’s easier to layer up than wear, well, nothing, haha. Luckily, I live in Los Angeles, which is reputed to have some of the best weather out there, and I’d say it’s true! Not too cold in the winter, and not too hot in the summer– I’ve been spoilt for weather growing up here!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Fair enough! It gets too hot for me in Jamaica between May to September but I’ll still choose it over the cold. At least I can lie in the shade with a cold drink or head to a river which is always super refreshing 🙂 as they say, different strokes for different folks! Thanks for reading, Rebecca. P.s. LA weather sounds perfect!! 👌🏽

      Liked by 1 person

  6. personally, i lived in a very cold climate when I lived in Japan for two years including two winters. Spring can be problematic because snow starts to melt and everywhere is wet. Whereas the middle of winter can be just beautiful. Having said that, Japan is not a great in the winter because a lot of places have no insulation – because its so inflammable and with the earthquake risk. so places dont hold heat so well. anyways always interesting reading your thoughts!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you! The lack of insulation and the reason behind it is terrible. . I suppose having a devastating fire from their almost daily earthquakes is worse than having a high energy bill or freezing. Cold weather is definitely not for me, at least not for long. Thanks for reading!


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